Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Triumphant With Trophies

Saturday night was the annual awards dinner at my photography club, we have the restaurant in a local hotel to ourselves, eat, drink, raise money for charity with a raffle and then award the trophies which have been earned throughout the year.

I knew I was definitely getting two, but when I got there people were making hints that I'd need a wheel barrow etc etc and I couldn't for the life of me think which awards I'd won. I soon found out.

It just so happened that I was sitting furthest from the awards table and as soon as I sat down with my first trophy, I had to get up and get another, and another, and another, and, erm....another.

I got five in total, which started to get a bit embarrassing! But it was all taken in good spirit and fun was had by all.

The trophies were for Best Portrait, Best Animal Portrait, Best Mono, Best Digital Image and Highest Score in the Colour Print section.

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