Monday, 10 January 2011

Dashing Young Men

This photo shoot has a special place in my heart because it was for one of my best friends and karate instructor Alec (the fair one) and my very good friend and karate partner Malcolm (the dark one).

Alec had wanted some photos done and when Malcolm over heard us discussing it asked if he could come along too, the more the merrier!

Alec said he wanted some taken on the beach, preferably shirtless, but what we didn't count on was the weather taking a sudden change for the worse, it was the day that the heavy snowfall came in the evening and it was bitterly, icy cold.

They got changed in the car whilst I sat there wrapped up in my fur lined trapper hat,  4 layers of clothing and thick winter coat and then we all leapt out of the car and just went for it.

On top of the dunes, on a north east facing beach, the wind is incredibly cold at the best of times, they went off for a run to warm up whilst I stood and felt my face slowly go numb.

We didn't stay too long there as it was quite painful but Alec really wanted to do his shirtless press-ups on the beach, so very bravely he stripped off and managed about a minute before the cold from the rocks made it too painful.

We then jumped back in the car and went for fish and chips to warm up.

After lunch the rest of the day was spent in my home studio with the ipod cranked up and several changes of clothing.

This has to be one of the best, most fun days of my life, we had an absolute blast.

We have planned another photo shoot and also have a calendar in the pipe line, watch this space!!


  1. great shots anna...can I come along next time? he he.....

  2. I have a long waiting list of willing assistants lol
